
The Next Economy


The Next Economy is Here

Ecolocalism is an economic theory and practice built upon core principles that promote conservation and ecological balance within a framework of appropriate crafts, methods and technologies.  Ecolocal goods have been produced with processes that result in quality products where conservation is a consequence of production. 

Ecology and Economy

A healthy ecology is vital for a healthy economy. Conservation of wild lands and promotion of wildlife habitat is a clear benefit to the ecological well being of any place.  Pure water is a luxury and rare to find. Keeping water clean is a fundamental principle of ecolocal actions. 

Get Started Today!

The Next Economy is being built around a set of key principles that have grown out of the sustainability and conservation movements and focus on the problems of consumer economies and the underlying consumption patterns that are threatening biodiversity. 


The Next Economy


Episode 1 Ecolocalism

The next economy will be built on many core principles and various appropriate technologies that promote economic and ecological well being. 

Caring for the Soil

Episode 2 Caring for the Soil 

Improved agricultural methods is one of the most vital ecolocal actions that you must begin to perform. Agro-ecology, permaculture, food-forests, urban agriculture and other topics are presented as solutions to the loss of soil.

Contemporary Solar Power

Episode 3 Contemporary Solar Power 

The local generation of power from solar technologies is a key part of ecolocal systems and an important tool for sustainability and resiliency.

Local Goods

Episode 4 Local Goods

Local production and consumption of locally produced goods is critical to maintaining a healthy economy.

Contact Us

Better yet, see us in person!

We welcome the chance to talk about Ecolocalism!

135 E Main St, Fredericksburg, Texas 78624, United States

(512) 924-5525


Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

Saturday: By appointment

Sunday: Closed

Drop us a line!